Virtual Microcase: Anger 1 is a 360° video in which Josh is exasperated with his girlfriend. He becomes increasingly angry, agitated, and loud in the counseling session as he describes a recent account with her.
Virtual Microcase: Anger 2 is a 360° video in which everything is irritating Marquita, from co-workers to her husband to her granddaughter. She is snapping at everyone and doesn’t know why she feels so angry. She says she doesn’t even recognize herself at times.
Virtual Microcase: Anger 3 is a 360° video in which Megan knows it’s not healthy for her to be so angry, and she regrets her outbursts when she has them. She is “set off” quickly and wants to be able to control herself.
Virtual Microcase: Anxiety 1 is a 360° video in which Josh is very concerned about his future in terms of his job prospects, making rent, obtaining health insurance, and other worries. He has a month to figure things out. He tries to calm himself down but the panicky feelings overwhelm him.
Virtual Microcase: Anxiety 2 is a 360° video in which Mia just started college and misses her family. She has always been a worrier but her symptoms seem to be getting worse. A recent incident - when her mother did not arrive at a designated time for dinner together - threw Mia into a panic.
Virtual Microcase: Anxiety 3 is a 360° video. When Rachel leaves the house, she feels like something bad might happen. She has shortness of breath and her heart beats fast. She feels awkward in social groups and thinks her friends judge her.
Virtual Microcase: Anxiety 4 is a 360° video in which Marty doesn't want to be alone with his thoughts. He processes conversations constantly, regretting things he has said. The only way he can tamper his racing thoughts is by distracting himself at all times. He has bouts of insomnia and fears being alone.
Virtual Microcase: Depression 1 is a 360° video in which Marquita is sleeping more and has little energy. The things she has liked to do in the past – like social gatherings and ball games are of little interest anymore. She misses her “former self” and feels like she is letting the people around her down.
Virtual Microcase: Depression 2 is a 360° video in which Rachel has been feeling down lately. She doesn’t have energy to leave the house or do things. She just wants to turn off the lights in her bedroom and check out. She says she really hates herself right now.
Virtual Microcase: Depression 3 is a 360° video in which Angel is sleeping a lot, and even small tasks seem so hard now. She recently broke down crying in the supermarket. She has started cutting again just to feel something. She doesn’t want to be judged so she hasn’t talked with anyone about it until now.
Virtual Microcase: Depression 4 is a 360° video in which Kathleen’s mom has encouraged her to come into therapy. Kathleen has been feeling low for the last six months. She continues to go to school but her friendships have dissolved and she wants to isolate.
Virtual Microcase: Depression 5 is a 360° video in which Megan has to force herself to get out of bed in order to go to school and work. She used to get great joy from writing, but over the past couple of years writing has become a chore. Nothing is fun anymore.
Virtual Microcase: Grief and Loss 1 is a 360° video in which Chayne’s aunt recently passed away. Chayne feels betrayed, astonished, and devastated. She is feeling all of these emotions at once because no one in her family told her that her aunt was sick.
Virtual Microcase: Grief and Loss 2 is a 360° video in which Amy’s father died four months ago from an aggressive form of cancer. Amy is having trouble managing her grief; her father was a hugely influential person in her life and she misses him greatly.
Virtual Microcase: Relationship Issues 1 is a 360° video in which Mia’s relationship with her boyfriend was great up until a week ago when she saw a suspicious text on his cell phone. Since then, she’s lost trust in him and although she wants things to work out, she not sure if she can get past it.
Virtual Microcase: Relationship Issues 2 is a 360° video in which Amy and her boyfriend have been together 18 months, and they have recently been arguing a lot more. Amy says she wants to “put in the work” to fix things, however she’s spending less time with her boyfriend and starting to disengage.
Virtual Microcase: Sexual Trauma 1 is a 360° video in which Rivka discussed being sexually violated by someone at work. She was later stalked by this person and is now terrified by further possible actions. Racing thoughts and panic affect her every day.
Virtual Microcase: Sexual Trauma 2 is a 360° video in which Kathleen comes to therapy after being raped. She has only bits and pieces of memory around the incident and she has not told anyone up until now.
Virtual Microcase: Sexual Trauma 3 is a 360° video in which Angel recounts the memory of being at a party and being raped. Her memories are hazy because she was drinking at the time and doesn’t remember if she said “no”. The incident has had adverse effects on her relationship with her boyfriend. She feels betrayed by her friends, and helpless.
Virtual Microcase: Substance Use 1 is a 360° video in which Trenton discusses starting marijuana use at age 18, and now feels “hooked”. He’s buying and smoking a lot more and is noticing the effects on his behavior and motivation.
Virtual Microcase: Substance Use 2 is a 360° video in which Robert doesn’t really want to be in therapy but things are getting worse for him. He’s using cocaine and has quickly transitioned to crack cocaine. It’s gotten expensive and it’s taking him more to get high. He’s worried about going to rehab because he doesn’t want to lose his job.
Virtual Microcase: Suicidal Thoughts 1 is a 360° video where the user learns that Chayne previously attempted suicide and was hospitalized a month ago. She feels “heavy and numb” with little control over anything in life. She has recently skipped classes and has called out of work.
Virtual Microcase: Suicidal Thoughts 2 is a 360° video in which Trenton’s feeling low and is not seeing anything positive for him on the horizon. He feels like he has disappointed his family and has lost sight of the good stuff in life.
Virtual Microcase: Suicidal Thoughts 3 is a 360° video in which Rivka is thinking suicidal thoughts. She’s never attempted but now she’s making plans. She is dealing with reoccurring phrases such as “what is the point of me?”
Virtual Microcase: Suicidal Thoughts 4 is a 360° video in which Robert doesn’t see much reason to live any longer. He’s lonely and doesn’t have anyone to reach out to. He wakes up not wanting to be alive. He wonders who will find him, who will care, and if there’s an afterlife.
Virtual Microcase: Suicidal Thoughts 5 is a 360° video in which Marty has been on 10 different medications to help with suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and depression. He feels isolated with no real connections. He often “spirals” and doesn’t know how to make it stop.